"I won't be around for long," the monk exploded.
I was shocked. “Revered monk! Why are you saying such things?"
"In comparison to the conduct of Jinkalpi (a monk adhering to a strict code), I have transgressed."
"Transgressed? Someone like you, an impeccable practitioner, has committed a transgression?"
"Yes, and unfortunately, you are the reason for it, monk!" Saying this, the great monk explained to me the incident of Vasubhuti, the merchant. Vasubhuti's performance was so immaculate that the great monk would have accepted food in violation of the religious code. But when the same performance started occurring in every household, the great monk became cautious. He was deeply pained by this moral violation. On one hand, he was receiving excellent devotion from the layperson’s side, which gave him joy, but on the other hand, he was distressed by the improper conduct from the side of the monks.
"However, when one gets into elaboration and promotion, this is what happens.Even the good becomes somewhat tainted, and its spread increases. And the bad, in some part, gets justified, which is the advantage of propaganda. But how long will the bad that has become somewhat good stay that way? Will it ever become completely good? We cannot predict. What was entirely pure gets immediately mixed with impurity when it becomes part of popular culture. That impurity then has a strong chance of becoming eternal. Expansion and promotion come with a lot of risks and responsibilities.
"I fell at the great monk's feet and apologized, accepting his wish not to sing his praises before anyone again as a vow. You know, Emperor, this caused me great pain. How could it be possible for the great monk to arrive, and I wouldn't stand to welcome him or place the dust of his feet on my head? He was my everything."
"He understood how much pain I was feeling in accepting this. He said that after visiting the living monks, he desired to perform his final penance on Dasharnakut Mountain. 'I have aged, and I have said what I needed to. The administration is safe in your hands.'
"Emperor, we had paid homage to the living monks at Bhaddilpur many times. They were and still are our revered ones. Along with the entire assembly, we went to Vidisha. The great monk had a deep desire to see the living monks one last time. After that, he went to Dasharnakut and attained final liberation through fasting unto death.
"Today, the purpose of narrating this story has come up for me. I was worried. Who would look after the internal affairs of the administration once the great monk was no longer here? But I was entirely wrong. I thought that running the administration was my responsibility. That's why this idea came to me. While engaging in activities, duty seemed to touch me. But who am I to govern?Governance thrives through the collective efforts of many great monks and many dedicated lay followers."
"You see, I had erred under the burden of responsibility before, and I have erred again today. I was unaware that a great crisis had fallen upon a great shravakratna (devout lay person) in Patliputra. But Arya Mahagiri's great disciple, Arya Balissa, had become alert. He directly sent Prince Kharavel from Kalinga. I bow to them...
"This makes me feel at ease for the future.And now I also have the resolve to pursue the ultimate goal of life liberation the pursuit of Moksha. This is my firm decision."
"After visiting the living monks in Patliputra, the great monk went to Dasharnakut for fasting unto death. I, too, will go back from Patliputra, receive the blessings of the living monks, and..."
"Monk! Please don't fast unto death!" the Emperor said, his hands folded, his voice filled with anguish.
"My body is like a dry leaf now. Whether it falls today or tomorrow, what difference does it make, Emperor?"
"It makes a difference, Guru!" said Arya Susthitasuri and Arya Supratibuddhaji.
"Please come to Ujjayini and give us permission to go to Kalinga," said Arya Suhasti. In their eyes, the great monk could see their firm resolve.
"Allow us to perform a four-month ‘chaturmas’ there. We will return to meet you in Ujjayini tran. Until then, please wait, and after that, we won't insist on you staying."
"Alright," after thinking for a while, Arya Suhastisuri replied. "Your decision is well-timed. Go to Kalinga. A great spiritual awakening is about to take place there. There are two duties for you there. Through the merit of your virtuous deeds, you must bring the Kumaragiri and Kumarigiri pilgrimage sites back into prominence, and engage in a healthy dialogue with the group of monks while comparing Arya Balissaha and other Jina Kalpi. You must also gently persuade those self-meditative monks to turn their attention, from time to time, toward acts of public welfare.Only through the strength of your victories and the practice of renunciatory meditation can you win the hearts of those detached and revered ones."
"That's why we have decided to spend a four-month retreat on Kumarigiri mountain, meditating in silence and repeatedly chanting the Surimantra, becoming like the Jinkalpi monks. This vow has now been sealed with your approval. With the target you've set for us, we have no doubt of our success."
"I am proud of my successors... I have faith that they will fulfill the trust I have placed in them, Emperor! The time for necessary rituals has come. You come along too.The monks must be waiting. I should leave now. This reflection in Patliputra is one of the most unforgettable reflections of life. The Jain order is victorious. Lord Vardhaman's grace is infinite."
Saying this, the Guru stood up. On one side were two monks, and on the other stood Emperor Samprati. These four shining stars were always ready to keep the light of religion burning brightly in all directions…
To be Continued…