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Power of Unity

Updated: Apr 12

Jinshasan was established 2576 years ago by Tirthankar Shri Bhagwan Mahavir.

After so many years in the flow of time, we have attained the very rich and advanced life as a result of our good deeds in the Jinshasan.

We have not found this Jinshasan unstable or inestimable…and neither disgusted or blazingly have we found it on the deathbed.


In this Jinshasan established by the Supreme God, the vision of many creatures searching for negative subjects has been narrowed in such a way that they see only and only defects in the administration.

Such as; There is no unity among us …We also do festive counter productions separately…there is so much distinction in our course of action too…There is no uniformity in the meaning of scriptures…There is a great diversity in tradition / communion …Etc..Etc…

Okay ! Let’s also assume that all these things are true … so what?

Will we always condemn Jinshasan? In the current situation, will the Jinshasan emerge or improve from commenting on what is going wrong in the Jinshasan?

The public who have not received an amazing shasan should understand this very well that if you express the problems of the house in front of others, then there will be no solution to it, but by doing this, the respect of one’s own household goes down to everyone.

In the same way, how can such a person, who loves the shasan more than his family, discuss the negative things about the it?

Other thing:

You see corruption in Shasan …so which such grace is seen in other religions? Actually it can be as much as a mustard seed in comparison to other religions but you find it as huge as a Mountain.

Which religion has no debate in the world?

(This applies to the institution, society and household as well as religion… This problem is common everywhere.)

Whatever you come across to, you see it as Negativities of Jainism. And till now, whichever religion has never come across your attention that has gained more value than Jinshasan. This makes me doubt only on your equivalence.

• There are many types of branches among Muslims like Shia, Sunni, Vahora, Deoband etc.

• In Vedic religion too, there are many communities like Swami Narayan, Vaishnavism, Shaiva, Pranami, Nath etc.

• In Christianity too, there are many clans like Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox etc.

These are just some examples in order to bring this into your notice…If you observe with this kind of precision, it will clearly come to your notice that everywhere in various clans, communities and branches have their own ideology, logic, principles, ethics, elements etc. because of which there are differences. It is not only in Jainism.

And yes…there are many types in social systems too…like; Oswal, Porwal, Srimal, Palliwal, Khandelwal, Kachchi, Marwadi, Dasa, Visa, Halari, Ghoghari etc.

So do you believe that these clans..communities..traditions..the society should be one?

And even we all become one, do you want everything to reach its objective in a systematic way?

Bringing everyone on one platform by organizing an event will lead to unity, such is your ideology?

If you are requesting for all these things… then listen carefully…! You are living in a myth…!

Because your views … beliefs … ideology is wrong.

Is there anyone who will completely forget their religion and accept someone else’s religion completely? And then everyone will come together and establish a principle unanimously…, it is impossible to happen?

 Will Idol worshippers put a band on their mouth…the locals will go to Dehrasar…will they donn on digambar clothes…such fantasies are like Sheikhchilli’s dreams.

Firka, gachcha, traditions have versatile types and it should be just one (should stay only one law), what else it could be other than an act of foolishness to imagine this?

Since Lord Adinath had 84 Ganadhars and 84 Ganas i.e Lord Adinath had 84 traditions during his life time.

In the same way, Lord Mahavira had 11 Ganadhars and there were 9 Gan-Gachhas i.e. Lord Mahavira actually had 9 traditions.

So hey fortunate one!

Understand this truth that if there is a difference in color of the cows, there should be no doubt in it because even though there are cows of different colors, all of them have white milk.

The formula of unity does not lie in its word ‘unity’ but in its meaning.

Trying to collect all and making them into one is not going to get anything.

Unity means

Accepting diversity…is unity…

Harmony in diversity…is unity…

Coordination of diversity…is unity…

 For example, having a variety of colors in place in the artwork of the painting makes the picture beautiful…

 For example, the garden itself looks delightful with flowers of different species …

 For example, food only tastes better with different spices…

 Just like in music, we rise from the confluence of seven notes …

Just like that, the diverse tradition of Jinshasan learn to communicate and coordinate effectively. Similarly, the worship of diverse traditions of Jinshasan will enhance the beauty of Jinshasan. Just by gathering everyone to show up on one stage… gathering is not going to achieve anything great.

I am not opposed to unity of any kind but I am opposed to the piggery of unity.

Unity is not a mixture of any kind but it is a friendship.

One should not debate about who is right or who is wrong.

Everyone should raise their voice together on such serious topics as the interest of saints and religious people, religious devotion, pilgrimage, secularism, protection of ethics and tradition.

Such unity will definitely lead to good of Jinshasan.

In harmony accepting the diversity of Jinshasan that we currently have, “We all are one.” this spirit will protect and save dharma in this KalYugh.

Now in the following article we will understand the explanation of “Unity” in detail.

Last Seen:

Ramesh: Muslims do not come if temples are built.

Hindus do not come if mosques are built.

Hindu-Muslims do not come if dehrasars are made.

Jains do not come if gurudwaras are built.

So what should be made that people of all religions can come?

Mahesh: Build Toilet…!


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